Aligen is a manufacturer of nutraceutical and cosmetic products, always on the forefront of the best, newest and latest ingredient trends.

We have a great opportunity with a program to partner with enthusiastic entrepreneurs and influencers who need strategic resources to take it to the next level!  

It is estimated that over 88% of brands may fail to compete due to the lack of resources, funding, marketing or experience.


Aligen will be selecting strategic partners who will receive equity ownership in brand and benefit from the following resources:

  • On the forefront of the latest ingredients & trends.
  • Product formulation, manufacturing, components & bottling
  • Warehousing & order fulfillment
  • Customer and order support
  • Distribution & Chain store relationships
  • eCommerce product management
  • Legal & trademark assistance
  • Dedicated brand manager & marketing assistance
  • On the forefront of the latest ingredients & trends
  • Warehousing & order fulfillment
  • Distribution & Chain store relationships
  • Legal & trademark assistance
  • Product formulation, manufacturing, components & bottling
  • Customer and order support
  • eCommerce product management
  • Dedicated brand manager & marketing assistance


Our team will be reviewing key influencers who have great opportunity and foresight to develop brands in the emerging market.

We will be looking for:

  • Strong representation into the Social Media market
  • Inspiration for Health, Wellness and Cosmetic products
  • Loyal following and engagement
  • Great attitude and ready to be on the forefront of the latest trends


If you meet all of the above qualifications Aligen may consider a partnership with our review board.  For consideration, you may submit the following for our review:

DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Unless you have ownership to a registered/patented ingredient or formula with the U.S Patent and Trademark Office, you are not granted exclusivity by Aligen when sharing this information related to the ingredients you plan to use. By submitting this application/form, you accept that Aligen already has access to over 8,000+ ingredients, and the ability to combine various ingredients that are generally known and already available at our discretion, for either our internal use and/or submitted by other manufacturing clients whether the past, present and future. Your brand value is established by the combination of your brand name, designs, marketing execution, formulations, sales and brand story. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FORM OR ANY CORRESPONDENCE TO ALIGEN WITH INFORMATION YOU DEEM AS EXCLUSIVE, UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED TO IN ADVANCE BY MUTIAL PARTIES!